Medical electronics and bioinformatics


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The students who graduate from the Medical electronics and bioinformatics study program should be able to solve engineering problems related to design and development of modern electronic devices and software applications in medicine and biology. The alumni can be employed in hospitals and other medical facilities, in research or development teams, as well as in management. They will get good bases for scientific work and can continue in PhD study programs in Czech Republic as well as abroad.

Why should you choose this study program?

  • We use modern technology to improve the health and quality of life of people.
  • We combine knowledge from  electrotechnics a informatics with  biologie and medicine.
  • There are only a few experts in the Czech Republic in this domain and we expect the demand to increase.
  • High flexibility allows students to tailor the studies according to their own interests. There are four recommended specializations.
  • We collaborate with top research and clinical facilities in Prague, including hospitals (Motol, Na Homolce, IKEM) as well as with important companies (MedTronic, Philips, Siemens). Students can get practical experience through projects.

The program is currently opened only in Czech, although some classes can be given in English, if non-Czech speakers are present. That is why the information available in English is currently limited. The whole program might be open in English (for a fee) given sufficient demand – please let us know if you are interested.

The translation of the study plans to English are available for both the bachelor and master programs, you can also have a look at the state exam topics for the master program.

  • Invazivní EEG monitorace mozku


Departments collaborating on this study program:

Research teams